Monday, May 24, 2010

Ferrari 599XX, Scirocco GT24: HW SM

I grabbed these two as soon as I saw them, even though I was running out of cash really fast this week.

The Scirocco GT24 and the Ferrari 599XX from Hot Wheels Speed Machines.

Scirocco GT24 (GT means Gorgeous & Tempting)
Yellow car with blue rims would usually cause me to regurgitate my stomach content. But this one's a Scirocco. And a Scirocco looks great in any colour. Except pink. And brown. And orange.

Ferrari 599XX (No, I have no idea what the XX stands for)
This is probably the nicest paint colour I have seen from Hot Wheels. The red paint is different than the ones they use on the other casts. This one is richer and darker, and it's just perfect for this car. And trust me, it looks so much better on the real cast. My cheap digicam doesn't do this car justice.


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